1.01.2015 .
Platform #YoTambienExijo
01/01/2015. Bruguera may not leave Cuba in the next 2-3 months. They have pressed charges against her for resistance and disruption of public order.
The Cuban artist Tania Bruguera is already back to her house, at Havana’s neighborhood El Vedado. She has been released for a second time, after having a lengthy conversation with Seguridad del Estado, because she convened a meeting (also thwarted by security forces) after being discharged earlier today, with journalists and citizens at the Monument to the Victims of Maine, in Havana’s Malecón.
The next effort of #YoTambienExijo will be to achieve that these charges be dismissed, because the artist has not incurred in nothing that is not within her universally recognized rights as a citizen and artist.
#YoTambienExijo Will also focus on ensuring that those who are still deprived of their freedom in Cuba are released immediately, and around 9 am, on 01/01/2015, Tania Bruguera will be informed of developments on this matter. If they had not been released before that time, she will take steps to achieve their liberation.
“Now I will take a rest, I will sleep today. Today I am a proud sister. Today I am more the sister of all Cubans. Today I met the true solidarity.” Said Deborah Bruguera and continues:
“To you all and everyone, today I am a happy person because we are all more united, our rights begin to be listened and to take voice. An hour and a half ago a new year has started, a year that brings more hope and rights for all. #Exíjelos!
#DescansoFinalmente #MañanaEnPieConTodo #FuerzaCubanos #YoTambienExijo Hope”
Official information:
. SITE #YoTambienExijo: http://www.facebook.com/YoTambienExijo
. EVENT on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1515487705372907/
. CONTACT exige@yotambienexijo.org