from 08.12.2012 – 09.12.2012/
City Center of Cosenza. Calabria, Italy
Festival and Performance
In collaboration with Fondazione MAXXI the Museum of XXI Century art in Rome, Municipality of Cosenza and by the University of Calabria.
Curated by Tania Bruguera and Cristiana Perrella
VIVA Performance Lab is the festival devoted to performance and born out of the collaboration between the municipality of Cosenza, MAXXI and the University of Calabria, which will animate the historic city centre of Cosenza on 8 and 9 December.
Conceived by MAXXI Arte and curated by the artist Tania Bruguera and the curator and critic Cristiana Perrella, there are diverse facets to the event: educational and training activities in the local area, a workshop for young artists (3-7 December) and the festival itself (8-9 December).
. Tania Bruguera
. Minerva Cuevas
. Francesca Grilli
. Núria Güell
. Aníbal López
. Yoshua Okón
. Adrian Paci
. Cesare Pietroiusti