8.04.2014 / 6:30 p.m.
Institute of Fine Arts, NYU. New York, United States
Coordinated by Rebecca Lowery and AnnMarie Perl and Organized by NYU
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Taking advantage of the IFA’s location in one of the world’s leading art centers, the Graduate Student Association invites artists to discuss their work at the Institute. Begun in 1983, these talks are now funded by a generous gift in memory of late IFA Professor Kirk Varnedoe, who inspired the series. The series normally includes two presentations per semester.
Speakers in the Artists at the Institute series have included:
Vito Acconci, Laurie Anderson, Janine Antoni, Alice Aycock, Jose Bedia, Lynda Benglis, Xu Bing, Barbara Bloom, Mel Bochner, David Henry Brown, Tania Bruguera, Matthew Buckingham, Scott Burton, John Cage, Luis Camnitzer, Tammy Rae Carland, Christo & Jeanne-Claude, Elena Climent, George Deem, Jim Dine, Carroll Dunham, Peter Eisenman, Stephen Ellis, Karen Finley, Wade Guyton, Eric Fischl, Coco Fusco, Kathleen Gilje, Robert Gober, Leon Golub, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Dan Graham, Nancy Graves, Renee Green, Hans Haacke, Peter Halley, Ann Hamilton, Mona Hatoum, Geoff Hendricks, Gary Hill, Jenny Holzer, Jonathan Horowitz, Bryan Hunt, Emily Jacir, Valerie Jaudon, Joan Jonas, Michael Joo, Donald Judd, Deborah Kass, William Kentridge, Alain Kirili, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Zoe Leonard, Simon Leung, Roy Lichtenstein, Los Carpinteros, Marlene McCarty, Allan McCollum, Julie Mehretu, Andrea Modica, Margaret Morton, Matt Mullican, Vik Muniz, Elizabeth Murray, Shirin Neshat, John Newman, Catherine Opie, Paul Pfeiffer, Ellen Phelan, Howardena Pindell, Adrian Piper, Walid Raad, Faith Ringgold, Matthew Ritchie, Tim Rollins + K.O.S., Martha Rosler, Doris Salcedo, Julia Scher, Carolee Schneemann, Collier Schorr, Richard Serra, Andres Serrano, Joel Shapiro, Miriam Shapiro, Shahzia Sikander, Lorna Simpson, Kiki Smith, Nancy Spero, Pat Steir, Joel Sternfeld, Sturtevant, Mika Tajima/New Humans, Masami Teraoka, Diana Thater, Francesc Torres, Richard Tuttle, Robert Venturi & Denise Scott Brown, Rachel Whiteread, Fred Wilson, Terry Winters, Krzysztof Wodiczko, The Yes Men, Yu Youhan & Li Shan, John Zinser, Andrea Zittel.