Press Release #1

21.12.2014 .
Platform #YoTambienExijo

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Cubans call for a peaceful gathering in La Plaza de Revolución. After the joint announcement from Cuba and the U.S. about the reestablishment of diplomatic relations, Cuban citizens, based on the demands articulated in #YoTambienExijo, call for a peaceful gathering in Havana’s historic Plaza de la Revolución on December 30th at 3 p.m. (local time) in order to discuss, via an open microphone, what kind of nation they want for themselves.

“It would be a personal gesture in a public space. Speaking for ourselves is the first step toward the reclamation of our rights. Everyone will have the floor. Make the La Plaza de la Revolución a space for discussion and debate”, said the organizers of #YoTambienExijo. The group’s Facebook FanPage added more than 1,000 likes in the first 24 hours after the historic news.

Following the Open Letter sent by Cuban artist Tania Bruguera to Cuban President Raúl Castro, the U.S. President Barack Obama and Pope Francis on December 17th, a civic, volunteer and non-partisan movement sprung up.

Based on the key phrase from the letter, “I demand,” Cubans will reclaim their civil, political, economic and cultural rights. “#YOTAMBIENEXIJO is a public and inclusive platform. The answer to the question “Who are we?” is no other than “Who am I?” If you are Cuban and you do believe in the restitution of your rights, then this platform is you”, states the call.”Today, as a Cuban, I demand to be informed about the plans being made with our lives, and that, as part of this new stage, a process of political transparency be established; where we all can have a space of participation and the right to have a different opinion that won’t be punished (…) “Today, as a Cuban, I want to know which is the idea of Nation that we are building”, asserts Tania Bruguera in her Open Letter to the three Chiefs of State.

. See FanPage #YoTambienExijo:
. See Facebook Event:
. See Open Letter at Blog
. Twitter: @yotambienexijo
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