Arte Útil

from 8.01.2014 – 10.01.2014 / 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Fundació Joan Miró – Espai Tallers. Barcelona, Spain.
Curated by Ane Aguirre and Juan Canela, Organized by A*desk and Coordinated by Oriol Fontdevilla with the support of Espai13 Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona, A*desk, Komplot Brussels, Secció Irregular-Mercat de les Flors, Museo la Ene Buenos Aires, En Residencia.

Workshop with Tania Bruguera

Lesson 0 is a space for reflecting and questioning today’s state of art education, focusing on proposals beyond the usual and look for other ways of teach/learn. Lesson 0 is developed as a transversal project, where different formats coexist. The idea is to assemble exhibition formats with spaces or events to inquire our object of research, in order to encourage collaborative and horizontal practices among artists and agents.

Taking as an starting point the proliferation of specialized courses in contemporary art, not only for artists but also for curators, designers, and researchers in the last years, and their insertion in the artistic circuit, Lesson 0 reflect on this abundance position ourselves on “the opposite side”, what one might call “dis-education”, “unlearning”, or an “anti-academic” stance; but also the self-education, education for infection or group work learning. Information or experience transfer between artists’ generation, and any search for one-self tools, one-self interests, out of the box ideas or experimental approaches are vitals nowadays.

Arte Útil aims to question the supposed uselessness of art, working with experiences directed at implementing art within society. According to Tania Bruguera, art should no longer be considered somewhere problems can be indicated so much as a place where proposals and possible solutions can be generated.

The workshop will explore the category of Arte Útil, from the perspective of artistic, educational and curatorial endeavours, as well as the implications for institutions that can derive from it. Taking different artistic initiatives as the starting point, the workshop will analyse aspects such as ethical responsibility, sustainability and the capacity of art to be a system for social transformation.