Art Journal
Antonio Eligio (Tonel)
Winter 1998
From: Eligio (Tonel), Antonio. “A Tree from Many Shores: Cuban Art in Movement, Art Journal, Winter/98, New York, United States, 1998.
A Tree from Many Shores: Cuban Art in Movement
Antonio Eligio (Tonel)
Tania Bruguera, who presented a performance at the Espacio Aglutinador in 1996, is one of the few artists in Cuba focusing on this medium and, more recently, video. The former editor of Memorias de la postguerra, an alternative newspaper that was promptly censored, she is in fact best known for her performances, which in their organic and even bloody drama are indebted to the work of Ana Mendieta. In these works, Bruguera suggests relations, as intuitive as they are reflexive, between dissimilar problems, including the status of women, migration, and physical and spiritual uprootedness.